Dear Creative,
Available for you TODAY is a straight to the point, Boogie Woogie mini-course that will help you become a hand independence master and give you everything you need to confidently sit at any piano and bash out some fun, boogie woogie style goodness. You will even be improvising by the end of this course.
Why Hand Independence?
I’ve been a piano teacher for over 15 years and the single most frustrating problem I hear time and time again is “I can’t get my right and left hand to do what I want them to do”.
There is a secret I’ve discovered that will get your right hand talking to your left in record time. A step-by-step process which has helped thousands unlock a new level of piano playing and ability.
And guess what... It works PERFECTLY with the Boogie Woogie!
So perfectly in fact, that I’ve put together this course for you. Hand indpendence, rhythm and timing lie at the heart of good, natural sounding Boogie Woogie. It’ll get you sat at that piano and ACTUALLY PLAYING REAL BOOGIE WOOGIE whilst training your hand independence at the same time.
And what’s more fun, energising, impressive and inspiring than bashing out some Boogie Woogie on that piano?
There's no greater feeling than sitting down at that piano and playing impressive music that turns heads. What better way to do this than with Boogie Woogie!